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Showing posts from October, 2016

Henry's Lunchbox - Week 8

This week Henry packed 4 days of school lunches . He used hi s hot lunch thermos for oat meal . He also tried a few ne w items from the grocery stor e in his lunch box. In case you missed the first post in this school lunch series, you can learn more about our family's lunchbox guidelines here . DAY 1 DAY 1 - WHAT DID HENRY PACK FOR LUNCH? Oat meal with brown sugar and raisins , in the Thermos Funtaine r Mixed Nuts Snack-size Oh Henry Chocolate Bar Apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon Wate r DAY 1 - WHAT'S LEFT IN HENRY'S LUNCHBOX ? Half the Oatmeal Half the Nuts Half the Apple DAY 2 DAY 2 - WHAT DID HENRY PACK FOR LUNCH? Watermelon and Mango slices Dried Coconut St rip s  Cheddar Cheese Turkey Summer Sausage Hazelnuts and P u mpkin Seeds Wate r DAY 2 - WHAT'S LEFT IN HENRY'S LUNCHBOX Watermelon and Mango slices ( they were not ripe) Half the Coconut Strips All the Ha zelnuts and Pumpkin Seeds     DAY 3 DAY 3 - WHAT ...

Henry's Lunchbox - Week 7

This week Henry packed 4 days of school lunches . Although he didn't eat them all, h e ga ve a favor able review to l eftover baked beans in his hot lunch thermos. H e was excited to t est out three types of pancake muffins ; the chocolate version was definitely his favorite. In case you missed the first post in this school lunch series, you can learn more about our family's lunchbox guidelines here . DAY 1   DAY 1 - WHAT DID HENRY PACK FOR LUNCH? Baked Beans, in the Thermos Funtainer (leftover s ) Dried Apricots Pomegranate Seeds, in the small container Fig Bars, 2 Orange Wate r DAY 1 - WHAT'S LEFT IN HENRY'S LUNCHBOX ? Half the Baked Beans All the Apricots All the Pomegranate Seeds All but one Orange segment DAY 2 DAY 2 - WHAT DID HENRY PACK FOR LUNCH?     Pumpkin Pancake Muffins , 2 Mozzar ella Sticks wrapped with Salami, 3 Dr ied Apricots Mixed Nuts Dried berry medley , cherries/blueberries/strawberries Wate r DAY 2 - WHAT...

Pancake Muffins

Henry loves m uffins and we've been trying out a new variation this week -- Pancake Muffins! This is a n easy recipe shortcut for making muffins with pancake mix. We made three different flavors this week and Henry loved all of them. Making Peanut Butter and Jelly Pancake Muffins Th e recipe makes 6 muffins. We shared 4 at breakfast, and then he packed 2 in his lunchbox for the following day. They were all devoured! PANCAKE MUFFINS Makes 6 - 1 c up Pancake Mix - 1 egg - 1/2 cup milk - 2 tablespoons ma ple syrup - 1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)   Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients together. Pour into lined muffin tin . Bake 15-20 minutes. Enjoy! Pumpkin Pan cake Muffins : We tr ied th e recipe with pumpkin pancake mix for a hearty fall flavor. Chocolate Banana Coconut Pancake Muffins : We made a batch with toasted coconut pancake mix . Reduce the m ilk to 1/4 cup. Add one ripe mashed banana and 1-2 table spo ons cocoa powder. Peanut...

Henry's Lunchbox - Week 6

This week Henry packed 5 days of school lunches .  Henry typically packs his lunch after dinner the night before he takes it to school. This helps to reduce the stre ss of getting out the do or on time in the morning. His filled lunchbox sits in the refridgerator overnight. I fill his water bottle and put both in his lunch bag in the morning. Henry had a "hot" lunch on Wednesda y since his school had a delayed start. We baked a turkey corndog and put it in his lunc hbox just before he left for school. On late start days, his class eats lunch first before starting class.  In case you missed the first post in this school lunch series, you can learn more about our family's lunchbox guidelines here . DAY 1 DAY 1 - WHAT DID HENRY PACK FOR LUNCH? Plum, 2 quarters Salami, 3 slices Pepperjack Che ese   Dried Cherries  Halloween Cookies, 2 (homemade) Wate r DAY 1 - WHAT'S LEFT IN HENRY'S LUNCHBOX ? A few bites of Pepperja ck Cheese ...

Henry's Lunchbox - Week 5

This week Henry packed 4 days of school lunches . In case you missed the first post in this school lunch series, you can learn more about our family's lunchbox guidelines here . DAY 1   DAY 1 - WHAT DID HENRY PACK FOR LUNCH? Red Bar tlet Pear slices sprinkled with pumpkin pie spice Rainbow Carrots, 4 sticks Chicken (leftover from dinner) Cinnamon Gra ham Cracker spread with almond butter Mini Mozzarella Balls   Water DAY 1 - WHAT'S LEFT IN HENRY'S LUNCHBOX ?   Pear, 1 slice Rainbow Carrots, 3 sticks All the chicken All but one Mini Mozzarella Ball DAY 2 DAY 2 - WHAT DID HENRY PACK FOR LUNCH?     Coconut Pumpkin Muffins, two (home made) Korean Barbecue Pork Jerky Apple Cinnamon Figgy Pops, 3 pieces  Apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon M ixed Nuts   Wate r DAY 2 - WHAT'S LEFT IN HENRY'S LUNCHBOX Apple Cinnamon Figgy Pops, 3 pieces Apple , 2 slices 2 Peanu ts DAY 3 DAY 3 - WHAT DID HENRY PACK FOR LUNCH?...